Mon-Sun 10:00 to 22:00
Seven days a week

25 000 140


About Us

Home - About Us
COSMOPORT is the first educational and entertainment center of the future in Cyprus. The perfect place for education, entertainment and leisure for people of all ages in Limassol, based in front of the Molos promenade.

COSMOPORT is a space for entertainment and development for the whole family. Adults may take part in the conquest of space or watch the achievements of their children on the monitor screens in our lounge area.

Many fascinating interactive zones are waiting for you: VR attractions, interactive installations, kinetic and interactive sandbox, various workshops, drawing, football and much more! You will be easily immersed into a digital, fully interactive reality.

Everything is presented in an ultra-modern format. Engaging game mechanics and multimedia attractions develop the child's logic, thinking, imagination, dexterity, coordination and other skills.

A fun and rewarding experience for the whole family awaits!

We do not only celebrate parties. You can come alone or in company and just play!

m² playing space
visitors daily
edutainment programs


With every year customer requirements for the quality and variety of tourist services are increasing. It is especially hard to surprise a tourist in Cyprus, due to the limited number of places for entertainment and a high percentage of repeated visits to the island. COSMOPORT can become a good offer for a sophisticated tourist and diversify the operator's tourism program!

We invite travel agencies to cooperate, which, due to our experience and constant desire for development, will certainly be productive and mutually beneficial! We provide the best and the most favorable conditions for cooperation.

Our key advantages are:
  • A unique offer at the tourist market: an interactive, educational and entertainment center;
  • High commission for partners;
  • Online booking system;
  • Dedicated manager;
  • Promotional items for you and your customers;
  • Experienced organizers;
  • Quality service.

COSMOPORT is your reliable partner.
Convenient location
Flexible work schedule
Programs for different ages
A cozy place for entertainment and development

COSMOPORT is a perfect place for new experiences!

Submit an application



    An important aspect of our work is social responsibility.
    Therefore we set a goal for ourselves: assist children with disabilities.

    Recent medical studies on the use of interactive technologies have shown a positive trend in the development of children with disabilities. In many countries, Interactive Technologies are included in the methodology necessary for the development of children with poor health. So was born the term — sand therapy; usage of interactive sandboxes in rehabilitation work with children and adults with disabilities.

    After completing rehabilitation courses, children acquire motivation for playing, an increase in motor sensitivity, the rate of development of fine motor skills, and emotional sensory perception.

    Experts recommend using sand therapy for:

    • Stabilization of the emotional state;
    • Development of speech, memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, thinking and communication skills;
    • Improvement of sensory and visual perception;
    • Development of coordination of movements.

    We hope that COSMOPORT will become a place accessible for children with disabilities to have fun and to play on an equal basis with their peers.

    We have made FREE access to interactive installations and interactive sandbox for children with disabilities.

    IMPORTANT: The time spent in these areas may vary based on the individual characteristics of the child, usually from 15 to 60 minutes.
    FREE and SAFE immersion in an educational world of interactive games for children with disabilities.
    Accessibility for people with disabilities
    Escort and support
    Experienced presenters
    and assistants
    Permanent security
    and supervision


    On weekdays COSMOPORT invites organized school groups.

    We offer pupils to get acquainted with the professions of the future, as well as to put into practice the knowledge gained at school. To do this, we organize 2-hour programs for several classes at the same time. These programs include educational, entertaining games and masterclasses designed for the school curriculum.

    There are special ticket offers for school groups. Teachers and accompanying adults get a free entry (one accompanying 6 students).

    COSMOPORT staff is happy to conduct a tour for teachers and teaching staff at a convenient time for you!
    - Specialized workshops
    - Interactive learning
    - Education & practice
    Educational programs
    Scientific quests and research
    Two classes simultaneously
    Exact sciences and humanities


    COSMOPORT is always ready for new cooperation.
    We strive to ensure that work with the COSMOPORT educational and entertainment center is as productive as possible, both for us and our partners.

    Leave a request, and we will contact you.
