An important aspect of our work is social responsibility.
Therefore we set a goal for ourselves: assist children with disabilities.
Recent medical studies on the use of interactive technologies have shown a positive trend in the development of children with disabilities. In many countries, Interactive Technologies are included in the methodology necessary for the development of children with poor health. So was born the term — sand therapy; usage of interactive sandboxes in rehabilitation work with children and adults with disabilities.
After completing rehabilitation courses, children acquire motivation for playing, an increase in motor sensitivity, the rate of development of fine motor skills, and emotional sensory perception.
Experts recommend using sand therapy for:
• Stabilization of the emotional state;
• Development of speech, memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, thinking and communication skills;
• Improvement of sensory and visual perception;
• Development of coordination of movements.
We hope that COSMOPORT will become a place accessible for children with disabilities to have fun and to play on an equal basis with their peers.
We have made FREE access to interactive installations and interactive sandbox for children with disabilities.
IMPORTANT: The time spent in these areas may vary based on the individual characteristics of the child, usually from 15 to 60 minutes.
FREE and SAFE immersion in an educational world of interactive games for children with disabilities.
Accessibility for people with disabilities
Experienced presenters
and assistants
Permanent security
and supervision